
How to Install SMARSlab

Learn how to install SMARSLab on your Mac, PC or Raspberry Pi

SMARSLab Image

To Install:

  1. log on to your raspberry pi
  2. clone the SMARS Lab github repository: git clone
  3. change to the SMARSLab directory: cd SMARSLab
  4. install virtualenv: pip install virtualenv or sudo apt-get install virtualenv
  5. create a new virtual python environment: python3 -m venv venv
  6. activate the new python environment: source venv/bin/activate
  7. install the pre-requisites: pip install -r requirements.txt
  8. load SMARSLab: python
  9. Open a webbrowser at: either http://localhost:5000 or http://raspberrypi-IP-ADDRESS:5000
  10. Enjoy!